제73회 서울예술가곡연구회 정기연주회

제73회 서울예술가곡연구회 정기연주회

서울 | 예술의전당 [서울] 리사이틀홀
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유니코예술기획 02-532-4876



영국 류트송과 퍼셀의 음악

Treasures of England and France : 르네상스 & 바로크 고음악 여행

영국 류트송과 퍼셀의 음악

Sop. 이현민, Lute 고종대

John Dowland (1563-1626)

Fine knacks for ladies

Flow my Tears

Come again, sweet love doth now invite

Sop. 최재연, Lute 고종대

Thomas Campion (1567-1620)

Author of light 

Tune thy music to thy heart

Come cheerful day

Sop 전수미, Pf. 이한나

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)

The blessed virgin’s expostulation

I attempt from love’s sickness to fly

  from “The Indian Queen”

Ten. 김지훈, Pf. 이한나

William Boyce (1711-1779)

Softly Rise, O Southern Breeze

  from the Serenta "Solomon"

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)

Come all ye songsters

  from “The Fairy Queen”

Yes, Xansi

  from “The Fairy Queen”


프랑스 르네상스와 바로크 음악

Sop. 윤지현, with Guitar 고종대

Claude de Sermisy (c.1490-1562)

D’ou vient cela

Thomas Créquillon (c.1505-1557)

Cessez, mes yeulx de tant vous tormenter

Charles Chastelain (1672-1755)

Je ne desire que la mort

Ten. 계봉원, Pf. 전혜영

Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632~1687)

Que servent les faveurs

  from “Atys“, Acte III, Scène 1

Bois épais

  from “Amadis“ Acte II, Scène 4

Ô tranquille Sommeil, que vous êtes charmant!

  from “Persée“, Acte III

Sop. 윤아르나, Pf. 전혜영

Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643~1704)

Quel prix de mon amour

  from “Medée”, Acte III, Scène 3

Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683~1764)

Formons.. Aux langueurs d'Apollon (Air de la Folie)

  from “Platée”, Acte II, Scène 5

Ten. 김정권, Pf. 전혜영

André Grétry (1741~1813)

Si l'univers entier m'oublie

  from “Richard Coeur de Lion”, Acte II, Scène 2

Ô Richard, ô mon roi (Air de Blondel)

  from “Richard Coeur de Lion”, Acte I, No.3

회원 방문통계


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