서울 국제 컴퓨터음악 페스티벌 (SICMF) 2024
- 분야
- 음악
- 기간
- 2024.09.04.~2024.09.08.
- 시간
- 5시, 7시 30분 (프로그램별 상이)
- 장소
- 서울 | 한국콘텐츠진흥원 CKL스테이지
- 요금
- 1회 공연 2만원(학생 1만원), 페스티벌패스 3만원(학생 1만 5천원)
- 문의
- 1544-1555
- 바로가기
- https://tickets.interpark.com/goods/24011842
이용우 Yong woo Lee : “Exponential Prelude”(2023) piano trio and live electronics
한예은 Ye Eun Han : “휘(Hwi-)”(2024) 8ch Tape
이원빈 Won bin Lee : “Trolley”(2023) tuba and live electronics
송상근 Sang Geun Song : “자목련(Lily Magnolia)”(2023) Tape
한예빈 Ye bin Han : “LAYERS”(2023) Violin, Haegeum and Electroacoustics
이건우 Geon u Lee : “Particle A”(2023) 2-ch. Tape
안은강 Eun Kang An : “Boundary; Harmony, Discord”(2024) Solo alto Saxophone and Electronics
신은송 Eun song Shin : “Hyperfocus”(2024) for 8ch Tape
신보경 Bo kyung Shin : “Cosmos II”(2023) Radio and 8ch Live Electronics
Concert 1
Thur. Sep. 5 / 5:00 PM @ Art Korea Lab(B1) - 무료공연
크리스 아렐 Chris Arrell : “Spirits and Spectra”(2023) Tape
모리스 라이트 Maurice Wright : “Six Studies”(2024) Audio-visual
티모시 로이 Timothy Roy : “Brompton & Braeswood”(2024) Tape
안토니오 포라스티에로 Antonio Forastiero : “Layer”(2023) Audio-visual
카메론 네일러 Cameron Naylor : “Here One Moment”(2024) Tape
Concert 2
Thur. Sep. 5 / 7:30 PM @CKL Stage(B1)
천 헝 CHEN Heng : “Vox I”(2020) 37 Reed Sheng and Electronics
린 메이팡 LIN Mei-Fangn : “Entre le son et la lumiere”(2015) Tape
쩡 유충 TSENG Yu-Chung : “Points of Departure with 17 Variations”(2010) Tape with complementary visual elements
옌 셩원 YEN Sheng-Wen : “HYPER translation”(2020) Live-Performance
황 치옌 HUANG Chi-Yen : “Penelope for Electronics”(2023) Tape
천 자 후이 CHEN Chia-Hui : “Fusion fissionnee phase1”(2023) Percussion Duo and Audio-visual
Concert 3
Fri. Sep. 6 / 5:00 PM @ Art Korea Lab(B1) - 무료공연
티모시 모이어스 Timothy Moyers : “ Strahlung ”(2021) Audio-visual
크레이머 엘웰 Kramer Elwell : “What Sleeps Beneath ”(2021) Tape
크리스토퍼 몬티 Christopher Monty : “Metal Crusade” Tape
스티븐 웹 Steven Webb : “(co)Axial”(2021) Audio-visual
스티비 J. 수탄토 Stevie J. Sutanto : “Sri Hanuraga dan Karawaci”(2024) Tape
Concert 4
Fri. Sep. 6 / 7:30 PM @CKL Stage(B1)
마이클 팀슨 Michael Timpson : “Parallelities”(2021) for prepared zheng, prepared piano and computer
도하나 Hana Do : “Inanna”(2019) for Guitar and Audio-visual
강민구 Mingkoo Kang : “Door Talk”(2023) Tape
콘스탄티노스 카라타나시스 Konstantinos Karathanasis : “Medusa In Somno ”(2019) Cello and Electronics
마르시리우 오노프레 Marcilio Onofre : “Forgotten bells for a lost father”(2023) for harpsichord and electroacoustic layer
살바토레 시리아노 Salvatore Siriano : Upwelling “(2023)Audio-visual
최지송 Grace Song Choi : “연기, 연기(Fogggg…)”(2024) Haegeum and Audio-visual
Concert 5
Sat. Sep. 7 / 7:30 PM @CKL Stage(B1)
토미슬라브 올리버 Tomislav Oliver : “ Percees de lumiere”(2023) Tenor Saxophone, Electronics and Video
조영재 Youngjae Cho : “mirrored: ceilings, floors, walls”(2023) Tape
김혜원 Hyewon Kim : “Break: word”(2024) Vibraphone and 4ch Tape
장준호 Junho Jang : “A distorted prism ”(2023) Audio-visual
조앙 페드로 올리베이라 Joao Pedro Oliveira : “La Mer Emeraude”(2018) Tape
양민석 Minsuk Yang : “ Dual Illusion II ”(2024)for flute, bass clarinet and live-electronics
Concert 6
Sun. Sep. 8 / 5:00 PM @CKL Stage(B1)
송향숙 Hyang-sook Song : “Trans-Mass ”(2024)ensemble and electronics
오세린 : Serin Oh “ LifeCycles”(2024) Ensemble and Electronic Sounds
전현석 Hyunsuk Jun : “Orbit”(2024) Large Chamber Ensemble and Electronics
조영미 Youngmi Cho : “Mitra ”(2024) Ensemble and Electronics
최지연 Jenny-Jiyoun Choi : “Transcendence”(2024) for ten instruments and electronic
Organized by
한국전자음악협회 Korea Electro-Acoustic Music Society (KEAMS)
문화체육관광부 Ministry of Culture,Sports and Tourism
Supervised by
예술경영지원센터 Korea Arts Management Service
아트코리아랩 Art Korea Lab
Cooperated by
한국예술종합학교 컴퓨터음악 연구소 Computer Music Lab at Korea National University of Arts
서울교육대학교 Seoul National University of Education
추계예술대학교 Chugye University for the Arts
CREAMA 한양대학교 전자음악연구소 CREAMA Electro-acoustic Music Institute at Hanyang University
서울대학교 Seoul National University
Ensemble Eins
Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab
Sponsored by
C2 Artechnolozy