제54회 한국오페라연구회 정기연주회

제54회 한국오페라연구회 정기연주회

서울 | 세종문화회관 세종체임버홀
전석 20,000원
예인예술기획 02-586-0945



<1부> B. Britten ... A Midsummer Night’s Dream

[Act I]

Over hill, Over dale ... Fairies, Puck

I’ll met by Moonlight ... Tytania, Oberon

How now My Love? ... Lysander, Hermia

I Love thee not ... Demetrius, Helena, Oberon

Welcome Wanderer ... Oberon

Fair Love ... Lysander, Hermia

I Love thee not ... Demetrius, Helena

Come, Now a Roundel ... Tytania

You Spotted Snakes with Double Tongue ... Fairies



I see their Knavery / Be Kind and Courteous ... Tytania, Bottom

Flower of this Purple Dye ... Oberon

Why Should Think that ... Lysander, Helena, Demetrius, Hermia

Puppet? Why So? ... Hermia


[Act Ⅲ]

Be as thou wast wont to be ... Oberon, Tytania

Helena! Hermia! Lysander! Demetrius ... Helena, Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius

God’s My Life ... Bottom


<2부> H. Purcell ... The Fairy Queen

[Masque Ⅰ]

Come, Let us leave the Town ... The Fairy Queen, Oberon


[Masque Ⅱ]

Come all, Ye Songster of the Sky ... The Fairy King of Birds

Sing, Sing while We Trip it upon the Green ... The Nymph, Chorus

See, even Night herself is here ... Night

I am come to lock all Fast ... Mystery

One Charming Night ... Secret

Hush, no more, be silent all ... Sleep, Chorus


[Masque Ⅲ]

If Love’s a Sweet Passion ... Mystery

Ye Gentle Spirits of the Air ... A Certain Fairy

When I have often heard young maids complaining ... The Nymph


[Masque Ⅳ]

Thus the ever Grateful Spring ... Spring

Here’s the Summer, Sprightly, Gay ... Summer

See my many Colour’d Fields ... Autumn

Now Winter comes Slowly ... Winter


[Masque Ⅴ]

The Plaint ... The Plaint

Thrice Happy Lovers ... Juno

회원 방문통계


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