2021 World Convention of the Korean Language

Date Oct 06, 2021

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Minister HWANG Hee, MCST), the National Institute of Korean Language (Acting Director-General SHIN Eun-hyang, NIKL), and the National Hangeul Museum (Director, SHIM Dong-seop, NHM) host the “2021 World Convention of the Korean Language” at the National Museum of Korea, and NHM from October 4th (Monday) to October 9th (Saturday) under the theme of Speaking the Future of the Korean Language and Hangeul. This convention is open for anyone interested in Korean and Hangeul.


For the keynote lectures on October 8 th (Friday), Barbara J Zitwer from Barbara J Zitwer Agency[1] will deliver speech on “Predicting the future path of Korean language, Korean literature and Korean Culture” and Tony Lee, Saltlux[2] CEO, will talk on the dreaming of a world that allows free exchange of knowledge for everyone at the main auditorium room in the National Museum of Korea

On October 8th (Friday) and 9th (Saturday), online academic conferences will be held with 130 scholars, educators, translators, and language industry experts to discuss on the future of Korean language and Hangeul, where the focus will be on the changes in Korean and Hangeul in the rapidly changing language industry environment after the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting from October 4th (Monday) to October 9th (Saturday), there are Language Industry Exhibitions with the theme of “Artificial intelligence and Language Industry” including special lectures, forum presentations, and discussion.


To heat up and raise the participation at home and abroad, the World Convention of the Korean Language opened contest prior to the main event. The Grand Prix awarded by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism went to “Aemin”, which sang the heart of King Sejong’s creation of Hunminjeongeum.[3] On the occasion of Hangeul Day, Chan-Hae Lee, President of Phnom Penh International University of Arts, won the Sejong Culture Award[4]for the contribution in international cultural exchange. In addition there are also side programs held in line with the main events, including Artificial Intelligence Language Proficiency Test organized by NIKL and Korean Language Speaking and Writing contest held by the King Sejong Institute Foundation.


For more information on the 2021 World Convention of the Korean Language, please visit the official website (www.wockl.org), where videos are live streamed during the event.

[1] Established twenty two years ago, the Barara J Zitwer Agency specializes in global literature. Barbara was the first agent to bring Korean literature to the attention to the world with Kyung sook Shin’s Man Asian Literary Prize.

[2] Saltlux means salt (salt) and light (lux) and advocates a world in which machines and people and people and people freely exchange knowledge, overcoming barriers of information and language.

[3] The Korean alphabet, Hangeul

[4] Established in 1982, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism holds the annual award ceremony to recognize people who served in advancing Korea’s culture.