Statistics in Number(2021)

Sales in Performing Arts

(as of 2021)
Market Share per Genre of Performing Arts
(as of 2021, unit: %)
Sales Share By Performing Arts genre
A Musical B Classic C Theater D Dance E Opera F Korean Traditional G Complex
76.4 10.9 8.2 2.3 1.4 0.6 0.2

No. of Audience in Performing Arts

(as of 2021)
Audience Share per Genre of Performing Arts
(as of 2021, unit: %)
Audience Share per Genre of Performing Arts
A Musical B Theater C Classic D Dancing E Opera F Korean Traditional Music G Complex
53.4 20.9 16.9 4.1 1.9 1.9 0.7

Total Market Value of Entertainment Culture

Trade Balance of Intellectual Property Rights on Music & Images,
Surplus of 3.076 billion dollars

Import/Export of Intellectual Property Rights on Music & Images

Import/Export of Intellectual Property Rights on Music & Images
2020 2021 Rate of change
Import of Intellectual Property Rights on Music & Images 5.9 billion dollars 6.307 billion dollars 6.9%
Export of Intellectual Property Rights on Music & Images 6.704 billion dollars 9.405 billion dollars 40.3%

Total Market Value of Broadcasting Service/Digital Contents/Publishing & Media Reproduction

Broadcasting Service/Digital Contents/Publishing·Media Reproduction Market Capitalization
2020 2021 Rate of change
Total Market Value of Broadcasting Service 5.3398 trillion won 4.4955 trillion won -15.8%
Total Market Value of Digital Contents 17.3758 trillion won 39.4699 trillion won 127%
Total Market Value of Publishing & Media Reproduction 3.8350 trillion won 5.1222 trillion won 33.6%
Tourism Balance 3.225 billion dollars deficits

Tourism Revenue & Expenditure

Tourism Profits, Deficits
2020 2021 Rate of change
Tourism Revenue 9.65 billion dollars 9.462 billion dollars -1.9%
Tourism Expenditure 12.375 billion dollars 12.687 billion dollars 2.5%

No. of Entries & Exits

No. of Entries & Exits
2020 2021 Rate of change
No. of Departure Passengers 4,276,000 people 1,083,115 people -74.7%
No. of Arrival Passengers 2,519,118 people 876,853 people -65.2%
  • Trade Balance from Intellectual Property Rights on Service Business related to Sports (Arts) & Recreation,2 million dollars surplus
  • Trade Balance of Sports Equipment Loss of 2.07 billion dollars

Import/Export of Intellectual Property Rights on Service Business related to Sports (Arts) & Recreation

Trade balance of intellectual property rights in sports (art) and leisure-related services
2020 2021 Rate of change
Imports of Intellectual Property Rights on Service Business related to Sports (Arts) & Recreation 8.1 million dollars 6.4 million dollars -21%
Export of Intellectual Property Rights on Service Business related to Sports (Arts) & Recreation 17.6 million dollars 8.4 million dollars -52.3%

Import/Export of sporting Equipment

Import and export of sporting goods
2020 2021 Rate of change
Import of Sports Equipment 1.946 billion dollars 2.298 billion dollars 18%
Export of Sports Equipment 175 million dollars 230 million dollars 31.4%