MCST Vice Minister OH Young-woo will attend the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Paralympics

Date Mar 07, 2022

  The second vice minister, OH Young-woo from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism(MCST) will attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Games, which will be held on March 4th (Fri) to congratulate and support Korean national team competing in the game. 

  After the opening ceremony, vice minister OH will visit competition venues, where Korean teams will be competing. On March 5th (Sat), he will visit and cheer the Para Ice Hockey team, which won the bronze medal in the 2018 Winter Olympics held in PyeongChang, Korea. After seeing the Para Ice Hockey team, OH will visit the Wheelchair Curling team to encourage safe game and good performance.

  Besides visiting the Korean national teams, the vice minister will also meet the president of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), Andrew Parsons, to discuss on the future cooperation on paralympic games.

  Before his departure to Beijing, OH said that as the Korean national paralympic team had challenging times during training due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he hopes that all atheletes who went through the long enduring time will be able to do their best. With the relevant organizations, MCST will support all of the atheletes to do best in the Games under safe condition.