Cheongwadae (Blue House) Website Completely Reorganized, creating foreigner-friendly environment

Date Apr 16, 2024


The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Minister YU In chon, MCST) together with the Cheong Wa Dae Foundation (Chairperson Jeong Gap young, Foundation) reorganized the Blue House website “Cheong Wa Dae Embracing the People” on April 16 (Tue) to accommodate convenient environment for both domestic and foreign users.

First, in addition to Korean and English services currently provided on website, Japanese and Chinese services are added, reflecting the recently increasing demand for foreign visitors. Also, an English reservation system was introduced that allows foreigners to make reservations with simple email authentication.

Moreover, visitors can make reservation for visiting the place, receive information about the Blue House, and reserve cultural events on one page, improving convenience for visitors. In particular, the renewed website added 360-degree virtual reality (VR) content showing the main building, guest house, and Chunchugwan with the detailed information, allowing users to vividly view the Blue House online.

A policy official from the MCST said, “As of the first quarter of 2024, the number of foreign visitors to the Blue House recorded 39,807, which is 2.5 times more than the previous year and the number of foreign visitors is expected to continue to increase in the future.” The official added that “Reflecting the increased demand from foreign visitors, we will improve convenience for foreigners by expanding reservation services in foreign languages, including Japanese and Chinese”