The MCST will strive to prepare for “Gangwon 2024” with unwavering focus until the end

Date Jan 14, 2024

On January 12 (Fri) and January 13 (Sat), Minister YU of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (“MCST”) inspected the stadiums and athletes’ village in Hoengseong, Pyeongchang, and Jeongseon. These locations are slated to host the “2024 Gangwon Winter Youth Olympic Games” (“Gangwon 2024”). The purpose of the visit was to oversee the final preparations for the upcoming preparation.


 January 12. Inspection of Hoengseong and Pyeongchang stadiums, encouragement of our athletes to participate in biathlon


On January 12 (Fri), Minister YU initiated his visit to Welli Hilli Park Ski Resort in Hoengseong, which is designated for eight skiing and snowboarding events. Recognizing the challenges posed by outdoor sports, Welli Hilli Park Ski Resort aims to enhance the spectator experience by installing heating shelters and temporary outdoor restrooms to counteract potential cold waves. Minister YU’s agenda includes a thorough inspection of all facilities, encompassing competition slopes, spectator rest areas, outdoor temporary restrooms, and the cafeteria serving operating personnel.


Subsequently, inspections were conducted at the ski jumping center and biathlon center located at Pyeongchang Alpensia Sports Park. Both centers, pivotal during the “2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics,” underwent comprehensive facility repairs in October last year. All essential temporary facilities, including heating shelters, temporary toilets, and prefabricated containers, have been diligently installed to ensure the readiness of these venues.


In particular, Minister YU meet and uplifted our national team athletes engaged in the “Gangwon 2024” biathlon event at the Biathlon Center. Biathlon, merging cross-country skiing and shooting, is a challenging sport demanding exceptional stamina and intense concentration. Athletes navigated a designated distance with a gun on their back, shooting from specified locations. Minister YU extended warm encouragement and support to our youth athletes diligently training in the complexities of this demanding sport, demonstrating resilience and dedication despite their tender age.


January 13. Inspection of Jeongseon Stadium and athletes’ village


After the inspections at Hoengseong and Pyeongchang, Minister YU visited High1 Resort in Jeongseon on January 13 (Sat) to assess the stadium and athletes’ village. Given that High1 Resort serves as an athletes’ village during the competition, the MCST directly ensured that athletes can stay without any inconvenience. The “Gangwon 2024” athletes’ village is strategically located in two areas: Wonju University in Gangneung and High1 Resort in Jeongseon. In an effort to promote eco-friendliness, the MCST opted to utilize existing university and resort facilities, avoiding new constructions. In addition, the athletes’ village features a Youth Olympic Games (YOG) lounge program[1] designed to foster an environment where young athletes can engage with K-culture and naturally interact with counterparts from different countries.


Minister YU Inchon emphasized, “While the competition holds significance, being the Youth Olympics, I hope our athletes can interact with their counterparts from various countries, gaining insights into sports spirit and broadening their global perspectives.” He further stated, “With the competition merely a week away, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is dedicated to thorough preparation, maintaining focus until the end. Our goal is to ensure that all athletes and spectators involved in the event remember “Gangwon 2024” as a world-class sports festival enriched with K-Culture.”

[1] We conduct a nightly program offering athletes the opportunity to enjoy music, Olympic highlight videos,

and various small-scale entertainment after their training and competitions